How long does the course take to complete?

This course is designed to be self-paced however, most students take 12-16 weeks to complete.

Does the course price include my PTCE cost?

Absolutely! We take care of payment to PTCB once you are ready to take the exam.

Will I be guaranteed a job after becoming certified?

The short answer is no. The long answer is yes. More states are changing requirements for Pharmacy Technicians to become nationally certified to work. As you receive your certification you will become highly marketable in an understaffed medical field.

What does the exam consist of?

Click above for the exam content outline.

How detailed is the course?

Each module covers an extensive amount of information that is used in the day to day operations as a Pharmacy Technician. We don't bore you with irrelevant "history facts" or other jargon. This course is designed to prepare you for a successful PTCE.

When should I take the PTCE?

As soon as you are complete with the course and are confident in your ability to test. We must note...don't wait too long after completion and forget any important information. The exam is administered times per year. Click here for the current PTCE schedule.

Is continued education required?

Yes, every two years you are required to renew with PTCB. Click above for current requirements.

How long before I have my exam results?

One to three weeks after testing. Click above for more information on retesting policies.